
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chia Coconut Granola

          Whew, what a wonderful couple of days since my last post! Best of all, I got to go camping with my funky friends, up in a beautiful site by Moffet Tunnel near Rollinsville, CO. The morning we left for camping, I was trying to figure out what was the best camping and summer food for our hike-in trip. Obviously, I settled on granola (if that was not obvious to you, let me tell you why it should have Granola is the greatet morning treat. Baked to crispy, crunchy or chewy perfection, good by the handful, with milk or yogurt and formed in endless combinations, granola and I have a summer fling love-affair. Especially when it comes to spending time in the great outdoors, we bond stupendously. I've got to be honest, there is something indescribably pleasant about a summer morning started with granola and fresh mountain air.
           Disclaimer: Everything tastes better when you have backpacked into a campsite and just spent the past 10 hours trying to sleep on rockzilla (Don't worry, by the end rockzilla and I were part of a totally understanding human-nature relationship and the granola was still good after I was back and rested, so both of those statements should not cause you to fear my views of nature or this granola.)
          My preference notes: Since produce in the summer is in such an abundance, I find it a shame to put dried things in my granola and not take advantage of the season that is upon us. Due to the time of the year then, I did not put dried goods in this, but rather served it with milk and a fresh, juicy peach. If you do care for dried fruit, just add that after you’ve removed the granola from the oven, as it cools off. I also heavily spiced this one. Personally, I like it how it upped the savory notes and added tons of depth. Others might not want to go as heavy handed...feel out how you like spices and adjust accordingly. 

          On a healthy living and mouth watering temptation note: This granola has a nice crunch, created by the egg whites, which add an extra protein source to fuel your morning. More importantly to me, is how it is extremely superfood-filled (casual foodie lingo for coolness points). Seriously though, packed with chia seeds, flax, oats, and multiple nuts, this granola is a natural body-supporting power house. If you top it with some fruit, you have likely added another superfood! Not to mention, all of these things add up to one heck of a fiber dosing to keep you full on your morning hike...or commute, which you dream about hiking during. Finally, cinnamon and ginger are gifts to your system. The first helps regulate blood sugar and fight diabetes, along with a myriad of other things. Ginger, is a tasty anti-inflamatory (inflammation of various areas is the source of the majority of American's health issues, so this is key). Finding ways to add these spices to your food is great, and granola is just one simple way to get them in. The possibilities with granola are vast, and I love it. This one is WONDERFUL, not overly sweet, and very lightly oiled.
       So weather you're sitting at you kitchen table or perched on a rock in the great outdoors this Fourth of July weekend, make something good for you and your friends or family. A cheers to good health America- here is to taking care of the health of nature and our bodies so we can enjoy both throughout our lives, and our future peeps can too!
Because no one should have to miss this!
Oven Temp: 300 F

3 C rolled oats
½ C shredded, unsweetened coconut, if needed, pulse in food processor to get to desired size
1 ¼ C mix of nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) roughly chopped or run through a food processer
¼ C chia seeds
½ TSP salt
1 TBSP cinnamon
1 TBSP ginger
3 TBSP ground flax seed
2 TBSP coconut oil
2 TBSP honey
2 TBSP maple syrup
2 egg whites (approx. 4 TBSP)

1. Preheat oven to 300F

2. Mix the rolled oats, coconut, nuts, chia seeds, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and ground flax in a large mixing bowl.
3. Add the oil, honey and maple syrup and mix until the oat mixture is evenly, lightly coated.
4. Whisk egg whites in a mixing bowl until frothy, pour over granola and mix to coat.
4. Spread granola onto a cookie sheet (lined with a Silpat or parchment paper)
5.Bake for 20 minutes, stir around and let bake for another 25 minutes. For a total or 45-55 minutes. Remove when the granola starts to brown and transfer it to a cool rack to prevent further cooking.
Cooled, Sealed Up and Ready for the Pack.
*Let it cool, you can store this in an airtight container for 1-2 weeks

Stay happy.


  1. Yum!!! I'm inspired and just packed some GF Oats...making this in Captiva. Great photos of your trip too.

    1. That's wonderful! I hope you have an amazing trip. I have a feeling the same wonderful morning feeling goes way beyond the mountains to the beautiful beaches! Enjoy :)

  2. I'm a granola lover and this is my first homemade granola!! I've now enjoyed it with dried fruit and with a sweet nectarine! Either way, all the wonderful flavors of the granola came through! Thanks for making it easy!!

  3. Thanks! I am happy to hear you enjoyed it :)
