However, that is not really the full reason I don't have a post for you today. It just so happens, I was short on time, and against all better judgment screaming in my head, I decided to rush through and assemble this cake while it still held a smidgen of heat. The cake however was not in the same rush. Nor was the frosting since I didn't give it enough time to chill out before proceeding.
This moral of the story is, I created a cake that broke, caved in, and got droopy, melty frosting all over the place. It was totally not at all blog worthy; at least that is what I first thought. In some ways I was right, I am not going to share the recipe with you. However, I am sharing my baking disaster, because I think its important to remember it is better to still always enter the kitchen.
I take this blog seriously and I put deadlines on myself. I wanted to get this post a post out to you! I wanted it to beautiful and spectacular for Easter. Really, I could have let all the components cool, gone to work, and dealt with the whole thing the next morning, still able to post on time.
That all being said, it also reminded me that part of baking is imperfection and the aesthetics are far from being the part I value the most! Working for a bakery and blogging has made me more aware of these things and their importance in those settings, but in the past, I almost purely concentrated on taste and texture. For anyone baking at home, I think that is an totally OK thing to do!
So why did I let this cake get to me so much now? Because sometimes, imperfection is scary. People don't want to cook or bake out of fear that they might mess up. However, it totally doesn't matter! Part of baking is that you will mess up sometimes! You will forget an ingredient or try to cream your butter to early, or your cake won't come out looking like the one in the cookbook. It is OK!
It has been 24 hours since I made my "disaster" cake, and my roommate and I have eaten nearly half of it already! It is still delicious- so please never be afraid to enter the kitchen. Imperfection, mishaps, and total calamities (see peanut butter cookies) are part of it. As my mom said after I texted her in a pouty mess, "You will rise like a Phoenix from the wreckage of the warm frosting." I promise you will. Back to the kitchen today for some Easter treats! More to come soon.
Boulder Butter
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